Posts tagged white denim
How to Find the Jeans of Your Dreams
Good Things Come to Those Who GO

I hope you've all had a great week and weekend. I've finished my first week of my internship, and I have to admit, it was a great week! So many exciting things happen in such a short period of time, so I am also quite exhausted haha. 

Today, as inspired by a quote I recently heard, I wanted to talk about why I've decided to GO this year instead of waiting around for my life to happen and why you should GO too! (This will be my little cliché words-of-encouragement post.)

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Summer Style Must-Haves

Here's a special shout out to my lovely dad! Thanks, Dad, for always supporting me and reading my blog posts even though they're probably not on your fav topics haha! This week, I've been lucky enough to be at the beach in Destin, Florida with some of my favorite ladies, but glad we got back here in time for celebrate Father's day! Anyway, for this week's post, I wanted to share with you some of the most popular trends I've been noticing this summer! These trends are filling shop windows, covering every fashion blogger's Instagram page, and showing up alongside the most famous celebs! So according to my calculations, these are the 5 things you need to be rocking this summer! 

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