2018 Resolutions: Becoming a Better Person and Creator


Hello and happy 2018 friends!

I hope you all had an amazing holiday break and new years! After a little holiday break from blogging last week, I'm back on the ball with a new post for you!  This one is all about the challenges I'm setting for myself in 2018!  Read along and see if you'd like to stick to any of these resolutions yourself and we might just make 2018 the best year yet!

Stick to your word

In this digital age, I've been noticing more than ever that we are forever saying we will do things without any intention of following through. Mostly, I think this is because we have a little device in our hands constantly, that allows us to change plans, bail, or be late at any given moment.  This year I'm vowing to stick to my word as much as possible!  If I'm not sure I can stick to my word then I won't give it and instead say "I'm just not sure right now!"  Honesty is the best policy when it comes to keeping your word in my opinion.

throw Compliments Around like confetti

Recently, I've been getting quite a few compliments, especially on my hair, and I was thinking to myself, why don't we all just compliment people all the time?... It's free, it's easy, and it has the likelihood of making someone's day like it does for me each time! Boosting others up will only boost yourself as well! There's literally no downfall to sending a kind thought someone else's way.  Also, the more you compliment and support the people around you, the more likely they are to return the love!  Let's make 2018 the year of kindness, support, and endless compliments!


Challenge Yourself

Pushing my boundaries is a goal I always try to set for myself.  Each year I feel more confident and more sure of who I am, mostly because of the challenges I set for myself and the challenges I never see coming.  This year, as always, I want to challenge myself to be more creative, more confident, and more brave.  

Keep On Creating

A goal I think all of us creators should set for ourselves, is to constantly be creating or planning on what to create next in 2018.  This year, post graduation, I will have a lot more time to put into my blog, Instagram, and Youtube, and I really want to make some different, exciting, and new content.  This year is all about creating the best content I can.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out a few of the challenges I'm setting myself in 2018! Leave a comment with one of your New Year's resolutions! I'd love to read them and find out how you're trying to better yourself.  Follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you'd like to see more daily outfits and little adventures!

Georgie x


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