Proud to be at Brighton Pride


Hello friends,

Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday. What exciting adventures have you gotten to this weekend? We went on an adventure to Brighton for Pride!

This week’s blog post will be a bit of a diary entry for me so I can remember this in the future, and an explanation of Pride for those of you that have never been. This was my first time going to a Pride parade and only my second time in Brighton. Read on to see how our day panned out.

First thing in the morning we decked our selves in rainbow stripped outfits and embellished our faces with glitter and pink eyeliner. Then, we caught the train from London with crowds of colourfully dressed people of all ages, races, sizes, and genders. I’ve never seen so many wonderfully strange and beautifully bright outfits. After an hour of standing and chatting, we arrived in Brighton and were greeted by rainbow banners, music, and a lovely seaside breeze.

We walked down to the parade with loads of others and chatted while we waited for the parade to reach us. Finally, floats of dancing people started going by. We sang, we popped bubbles that flew by, we danced in the confetti, and my friend, Megan, even put me on her shoulders so I could see better lol. It was such a happy and welcoming environment. It was so lovely seeing people of all ages, from 1yr all the way to their 80s, in their rainbow get-up and with smiles on their faces. You could tell from the Brighton locals and nearby shops, that Pride was something they all embrace and cherish about their town. It was an uplifting environment to be in.


After the parade had passed, we decided to head down to the beach, because you can’t go to Brighton and not visit the seaside. We walked down the pier, got an ice cream, and people watched. There’s no, better time or place. People we swimming, singing, laughing, and eating. Then we laid on the pebbly beach and took a quick nap. I think I’ve mentioned in a blog post before how much I love a good nap on the beach. The sun was warm and the breeze was just right. Before we knew it, it was time to head back to ole London. We picked up some snacks for the train, as you do, and headed on our way. All the way home we talked about what a lovely and fun day we’d had.

Thanks so much for reading this week’s blog post. I hope you enjoyed reading about my time at Brighton Pride. Have you ever been to a Pride parade before? Comment down below if you have. Shop some of my favorite rainbow picks below. Also, remember to join we again next week for a new blog post. My cousin, Neave, is visiting next weekend and I can’t wait. Have a great week!

Georgie x